Top 5 sci-fi and fantasy novels on my TBR

Top 5 Wednesday

Image result for hump day wop wop

Happy Camel Day πŸ˜€ This week’s topic are sci-fi and fantasy books I haven’t actually read yet. So for simplicity’s sake, I’m going to go with books that I haven’t read yet that I already own. None of this ‘Gonna ignore the 200 unread books I own to add more to my list’ stuff. Gonna try to focus on the books I have. Money dollars, people. I’m not made of them.

If you’d like to join t5w, here is the link to do so. Synopsis for all books will be linked in the titles.

5 – A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin

A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5)I’m one of those late-on-the-bandwagon people with this series. Didn’t start reading it until I think season 3 of the show had already come out. At that point, I was sick of getting spoilers about things I didn’t even understand. So I decided to read the books so I’d understand the spoilers so I’d understand the plot. So I have this last one left and then I’ll be waiting for Winds of Winter along with everyone else. I think I’m going to tackle this one on audiobook. I read the second one in physical copy but that was a struggle. The other ones were all listened to. As much as I dislike the narrator I have a copy of, it’ll still be better for me and move the process along. And then I can continue the tv show.

4 – Caliban’s War by James S. A. Corey

Caliban's War (Expanse, #2)Book one in this series, Leviathan Wakes, was among my favorite books of last year. I ended up going out to the bookstore immediately after finishing it and paying list price for this baby because I needed it…. and then I read 50 pages and got distracted by another book. I’m a bad fan. D:

I’d really like to catch up on this series though, especially since i started watching the show and it’s going to eclipse book one soon. Gotta do it, gotta do it.


3 – Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson

Gardens of the Moon (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #1)Book one out of ten in Eriksons The Malazan Book of the Fallen series, this one is on the list because when I was in Malaysia, a neato friend recommended it to me and I bought it. She also bought Leviathan Wakes at my recommendation… and she has since binged that entire series. I have yet to even start this one. :”D So it’s made the list because aside from wanting to read it as is, there’s a good amount of reader’s guilt stuck to it, haha.

I’ll get to it, Shep-y. I promise. :”D


2 – Elantris by Brandon Sanderson

Elantris (Elantris, #1)This was in my most recent haul. I bought it because I’ve had the mistborn trilogy sitting on my shelves forever, but I heard that if I’m going to read Sanderson’s later works, which I want to, I need to read his earliest ones first. If I don’t, I won’t like them when I got back and read them after reading the later ones…. so I figured, this is his first book, so I’m starting with it. And after, then I’ll pick up the mistborn trilogy.

If I’m incorrect in my assumption, feel free to correct me.


1 – The Broken Eye by Brent Weeks

The Broken Eye (Lightbringer, #3)This is the third book in Weeks’ Lightbringer series, which I am unendingly obsessed about. The only reason why I haven’t started this book already is that I’m currently reading a few others and I know if I start this one, those will fall to the wayside. I’m in the middle of a buddy read which I’m already behind on, so I don’t want to make that any worse, haha. Once Mad Ship and The Traitor Baru Cormorant are finished though, you bet your butt I’m reading this book. I can already taste it.




And that’s it! :”D Happy reading!

11 thoughts on “Top 5 sci-fi and fantasy novels on my TBR

  1. I don’t know most the books on your list, but I will definitely go check them out! ^_^
    I’ve been meaning to read A Song of Ice and Fire series, but before I start reading such a huge series, I think I’ll wait until the next (is it the last?) book comes out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not last, haha. There are another two or three planned books, and he tends to release one every seven or eight years, so… xD Might as well read’em. You’ll have a wait regardless.

      And do!! I definitely recommend ‘Leviathan Wakes’, which is the first book of my #4 series and ‘The Black Prism’, first book of my #1 series.

      Do it, do iiiiit πŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m also keen to read Gardens of the Moon at some point because I’ve heard so many people rave about it, but I am a bit intimidated by the series’ size and epic-ness (apparently the Malazan world is pretty massive and complex). Anyway, will be curious to hear what you think of it!

    Liked by 1 person

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