I’m gonna attempt /r/Fantasy Bingo!

Just as the title says, I’m gonna attempt this booger. It started in April 1st and runs through March 31, 2018, so while a tad late, I think I’ll be okay.

/r/Fantasy is a subreddit on reddit and for the past however many years, they’ve been posting a bingo card for readers to complete. Here is the link to this year’s post, if you’d like to see it and the rules for it in their entirety. Otherwise, the card itself is as follows:

So my goal, first off, is to read books to fill this out that I currently own if I own one that fits the category. Meaning, the only ‘I bought this book for this tile’ exception I will make is if I physically don’t have a book that will work for it. This way I’m not really saying ‘Can’t buy books’ but I’m also prioritizing the ones I own, which I find difficult to maintain at times, unfortunately. I knew in the back of my mind that /r/Fantasy did this every year but I didn’t know when this year’s dates were until I saw the post from BrenhinesBooks on the subject. Gotta admit, I got a little overly-chipper when I came across it, haha. (Also thank you for posting for my eyeballs to see :D)

As of right now, I don’t know what I’m going to read for what aside from Mad Ship by Robin Hobb. Haven’t figured out where I’m putting it yet, though. It’ll be in there somewhere. I’m thinking I’ll do a ‘possible tbr’ post for this soon, once I peruse through my books and pick out a few potential titles for the tiles.

Wish me luck! And I hope you decide to participate, too! 😀 Also also, going through the comments of the reddit thread, somebody made a template for the challenge, allowing participants to add in the titles of the books they read into the squares. I’m usin’ it, yo.

Happy reading!

14 thoughts on “I’m gonna attempt /r/Fantasy Bingo!

  1. Sounds fun!! I’m keen to see what books you pick for what squares. Some of the squares immediately bring several books to mind for me, and others have me a bit stumped e.g. for older (50+) protagonist all that comes to mind is Old Man’s War and that’s sci-fi. Though actually I guess anything with a vampire as a main character would probably fit…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t even started coming up with them yet, haha. I just saw the board and jumped on it. xD I have a feeling some of them will stump me as well. If you go to that reddit post I linked though, there’s a link of recommendations for each tile in there, which could be helpful.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. True that would be helpful to have those recommendations! I’d be really tempted to do this too, but I’m not sure enough of my current TBR would fit into the squares and I might have to add too many more books… and I’d really like to get to some I’ve been planning to read for ages already! Anyway, I will watch with interest to see which books you choose 🙂


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